The Road Safety Trust

Anti Racism Statement

The Road Safety Trust is committed to creating equality of opportunity and preventing inequality. We promise to challenge injustice, ensure fairness and through our day-to-day activities, policies, processes and decision making uphold anti-racist principles. 


We recognise that many races and ethnicities, particularly black and dual heritage communities, continue to experience disadvantages and barriers. We will work hard to ensure that we build increased awareness within our organisation to ensure that we are anti-racist in all that we do.

We promise to act with courage, take responsibility for our actions and have a zero-tolerance approach to racism. Through our grant programme we will actively seek to understand why disadvantages and barriers exist to understand the impact on communities and to recognise what action we can take, where possible, to remove these or reduce their impact, particularly in relation to road safety.

Through our activities we will actively build a positive environment where everyone, especially people of colour, feel recognised, involved and included.

We will overtly challenge racist actions and attitudes, both inside the organisation and with those that we come into contact with.

We understand that harm can be caused inadvertently: when we make mistakes, we will not hide them, but seek to learn and share that learning.

These are the expectations that we have of all our Trustees and staff as we seek to build an anti-racist organisation.

Last updated: August 2024