Our governance
The Road Safety Trust
A grant-giving charity governed by a Board of Trustees
The Road Safety Trust is the largest independent grant-funding body of road safety initiatives in the UK.
Trustees come from a range of backgrounds including the private sector, civil service, higher education, politics and crime reduction.
The members of the Trust are the police forces around the UK which participate in the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) operated by its wholly-owned trading subsidiary company, UKROEd. NDORS is offered as an educational alternative to prosecution.
Its education of road offenders helps The Road Safety Trust meet its charitable objectives and serves as primary purpose trading.
Any surplus from the company’s activity is gifted to the Trust at the end of the financial year, so that we can fund road safety initiatives that will help make UK roads safer for all users.
Grantees and unsuccessful applicants survey 2022
It is good practice for grant-giving charities to seek feedback occasionally from grantees and unsuccessful applicants about their experience of applying for funding. This is to inform us of any improvements that can be made to the process. In January and February 2022, we appointed an independent agency, nfpResearch to undertake this exercise in on our behalf, for the first time. As part of our commitment to openness and transparency, we are sharing the full report with an Executive Summary at the beginning.