Large Grants
For grants over £50,000 and up to £300,000
The Large Grants round for 2024 is now closed. The theme for the round was ‘Inequalities in Road Safety’ and the details of the aspects we were seeking to fund are in the Grants Guidance document on this page.
Watch the video of our webinar, which took place on 26 September, to find out all about our most recent funding round and what we were looking for with our ‘Inequalities in Road Safety’ theme for our Autumn 2024 round. This round is now closed.
Who can apply
UK based organisations, public and professional associations, registered charities and university departments in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland may apply for Large Grants.
Individuals are not eligible for grants from The Road Safety Trust unless they are part of a larger research or project team. In addition, private commercial enterprises, Community Interest Companies and not-for-profit businesses will be considered for funding as long as the schemes or initiatives proposed are for charitable activity, are for public benefit and are in line with our priorities.
In some cases, we may also accept applications from overseas organisations, eg. for world class research with the potential to benefit UK road users. This should be discussed with us before applying.
The Road Safety Trust usually invites applications on a road safety theme each year. We take feedback from our stakeholders through consultation on the priorities and gaps. Consultations take place every few years, so if you would like to be a participant in this, please let us know. There are also occasional open rounds without themes.
Eligible projects
The main objective of any project should always be to help protect vulnerable road users. Funding is available for a maximum of three years.
Eligible projects might include evidence reviews, trials, roll-outs, evaluations and support for the profession through guidance or other resources.
Guidance for applicants (Autumn 2024)
This is our Guidance for the Inequalities theme for the most recent grants round, which is now closed. It provides critical information about our eligibility and assessment criteria. It also provides information on funding amounts and project timeframes. You can view and/or download the Guidance document for Autumn 2024 below. This is for information only as the round is now closed.
Getting ready to apply
There are a number of things we have prepared to assist you with your application:
If you are thinking of applying for a grant please make sure you read the Grants Guidance for the round and understand the requirements when there is a theme - see above.
We also offer an information webinar for each round, which is run by our Grants team and will tell you everything you need to know about that particular grant round. Plus, there’s an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
In addition, you may find the video from an earlier round of interest, which is available on this page. It gives an idea of what to expect from our funding rounds.
Please note: The Autumn 2024 round theme was ‘Inequalities in Road Safety’ and has now closed. Projects must meet the criteria for the theme as outlined in the guidance.
Application workbook
Here is an editable workbook, which contains a copy of the online form from our most recent grant round and includes a definition of key terms, worked examples and a blank table to help you work through the key aims, objectives and outcomes of your own project. It is designed to help applicants plan and develop applications for funding.
Please note that the grant round is now closed for 2024 so this workbook is for information only.
Aims and objectives template
This editable planning tool is designed to help you work through your project’s key aims, objectives and outcomes and the activities that will help you achieve these.
Strategy map
Our Strategy Map shows how every aspect of our work feeds into the vision of ‘zero road deaths and serious injuries on UK roads’. Our work is guided by our code of ethics, values and foundations and the five strategic priorities of our grant programme.
Budget template
A pre-formatted editable Excel worksheet for you to submit your budget for the requested grant.
How to apply
Application for grants is via our online portal. You will need to create an account and will be asked to complete a short eligibility questionnaire. Links will be available here when a grant round is open.