Peter Williams MA Hons Cantab FCA, CMIIA

Trustee and member of the Audit and Risk Committee

Peter Williams

Pete is a Senior Civil Servant, and Deputy Director, Internal Audit Specialisms at the Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA).

He leads GIAA’s Digital, Data and Technology, Programme and Project Management, Commercial and Grants teams, which provide internal audit and advisory services to most central government departments and their arm’s length bodies.

Pete regularly presents to the internal audit profession on subjects ranging from leadership, artificial intelligence, data strategy and cyber security.

A chartered accountant and chartered internal auditor, Pete started his career as an external auditor with Deloitte before spending around 15 years in a variety of private sector internal audit roles. Prior to joining the Civil Service in July 2021, he spent two years in Regulation, leading the RICS’s Profession Support and Assurance EMEA teams.

Away from work, Pete is married to Katharine, proud father to Joshua, Isaac and Caleb, a trustee of and leader within his local church and a keen runner.