Gloucestershire Police
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) capability - understanding and overcoming the limitations of ANPR technology as a road safety and crime prevention tool
Amount awarded
Making roads safer for…
All road users
Project summary
Gloucestershire Constabulary received funding from The Road Safety Trust to conduct research to understand and overcome limitations of current Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology.
The Gloucestershire Constabulary Project is to more effectively tackle criminal and anti-social behaviour linked to road use by improving ANPR capability and increasing the value that the technology delivers in terms of reducing road risk and harm. It is hoped that the project outcomes will generate nationally and internationally scalable responses.
The project has clear pathways to securing benefit to road safety by delivering accountability for offending road use that would otherwise have evaded detection and by providing opportunities to educate or prosecute those that pose a danger to other road users.
To request a copy of the report, please email