Large projects
Here’s a portfolio giving details of the projects who have received funding from us in our large grants programme.
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London Borough of Waltham Forest
Are 'Mini Holland' area interventions to support increased levels of cycling and walking safer for all road users compared to areas without these interventions?
The aim of the project is to find out what effect the introduction of cycling and walking has on perceived and actual levels of road safety for all road users.
London Road Safety Council
Current and future road safety education, training and provision across the 33 London local authorities
The project reviewed road safety education, training and publicity across the 33 London local authorities and plans for future provision in the context of reductions in local authority spending in this area.
London Travelwatch
Research into the safety of London bus passengers
The aims of the project were to derive a better understanding of the nature and circumstances of injuries to bus passengers and how they can be prevented/mitigated.
Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
Strengthening the evidence base for effective pursuit management and decision making for police officers and staff managing public safety and policing the roads
The aims of this project were to understand the nature of vehicle pursuits within London and identify appropriate responses in respect of skills, training, pursuit management and resilience.
University College London (UCL)
Understanding near miss reporting to develop a lead indicator for cycling safety and a tool for evaluating interventions
The project developed a reporting sensor with synchronised video data to provide information about the location, traffic and nature of near-miss incidents for cyclists.
University College London (UCL)
The management of occupational road risk: emerging issues for policy and practice in a changing economy - a survey of grey fleet and gig economy drivers, riders and their managers
This study explored the experience of risk and risk management amongst drivers and riders and their managers who work as part of the 'gig' economy.
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