2023, Pedal Cyclists Lynne Dickens 2023, Pedal Cyclists Lynne Dickens

The Bikeability Trust

A Virtual Rider Training Tool to Improve Children's and Parents' Cycling Awareness, Attentiveness, Attitudes and Safety

This project will create a virtual rider training tool, using a variety of cycling scenarios and road user perspectives

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Pedal Cyclists, 2018 Lynne Dickens Pedal Cyclists, 2018 Lynne Dickens

University of Westminster

Reducing cycling injuries while cycling grows: a study of key route environment factors associated with reduced or elevated injury risk in the UK

This research project aimed to give a clearer picture of cycling safety by looking at risk per kilometre travelled rather than just injury numbers.

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Pedal Cyclists, 2017 Lynne Dickens Pedal Cyclists, 2017 Lynne Dickens

University College London (UCL)

Understanding near miss reporting to develop a lead indicator for cycling safety and a tool for evaluating interventions

The project developed a reporting sensor with synchronised video data to provide information about the location, traffic and nature of near-miss incidents for cyclists.

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Couple on bicycles

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