Large projects
Here’s a portfolio giving details of the projects who have received funding from us in our large grants programme.
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Imperial College London
Rating bicycle helmets used on the UK roads and disseminating results
This project rated bicycle helmets used on the UK roads with respect to their effects on preventing head injury.
Imperial College London
Children Cycle Helmet Rating
The aim of this project is to rate popular cycle helmets worn by children on UK roads and disseminate the results for the benefit of consumers and designers.
The Bikeability Trust
A Virtual Rider Training Tool to Improve Children's and Parents' Cycling Awareness, Attentiveness, Attitudes and Safety
This project will create a virtual rider training tool, using a variety of cycling scenarios and road user perspectives
University of Southampton
CRoss-modal Intervention Training To Improve Cyclist Awareness Levels (CRITICAL) project
Funding helped deliver two cross-modal training programs: 1) Cycle awareness for car drivers and 2) car awareness for cyclists.
University of Westminster
Reducing cycling injuries while cycling grows: a study of key route environment factors associated with reduced or elevated injury risk in the UK
This research project aimed to give a clearer picture of cycling safety by looking at risk per kilometre travelled rather than just injury numbers.
University College London (UCL)
Understanding near miss reporting to develop a lead indicator for cycling safety and a tool for evaluating interventions
The project developed a reporting sensor with synchronised video data to provide information about the location, traffic and nature of near-miss incidents for cyclists.
University of the West of England (UWE)
The impacts of centre line removal or non-reinstatement on 20mph and 30mph speed limit roads as a contribution to cycle user safety
This project assessed the evidence for the effectiveness of centre line removal (CLR) as a measure to improve safety for cyclists.
Transport Research Laboratory
New cycle helmet assessment programme (NCHAP): protocols development
A grant of £99,500 was awarded to develop the testing protocols for a safety rating scheme for cycle helmets.
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