Large projects
Here’s a portfolio giving details of the projects who have received funding from us in our large grants programme.
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Leeds Beckett University
How can we stop people drug driving?
The project will generate evidence and insights on the effectiveness of a drug driving intervention aimed to change beliefs and behaviours.
The Bikeability Trust
A Virtual Rider Training Tool to Improve Children's and Parents' Cycling Awareness, Attentiveness, Attitudes and Safety
This project will create a virtual rider training tool, using a variety of cycling scenarios and road user perspectives
Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety
Standardised Mature Driver Assessments to Improve Road Safety: An evaluation of implementation, delivery, and benefits across five English regions
In this project, PACTS, working with The Older Driver Task Force (ODTF), the Older Drivers Forum and Warwick University, will conduct a trial and evaluation of a standardised mature driver assessment delivered by trained ADIs in five areas of the country.
University of Leeds
Enhancing Novice Drivers' Safety: Innovative Training to Improve Hazard Anticipation Skills
This project aims to reduce the crash risk of young, novice drivers, by developing a training program to improve their ability to anticipate potential hazards on the road.
Nottingham Trent University
Development and validation of sleep-related driving risk prediction tools
The SleepiEST project will address a critical gap in fatigue risk management by developing new and improved, publicly available on-line fatigue management tools.
Loughborough University, Transport Safety Research Group
Self-administered caffeine-nap intervention for driver sleepiness: efficacy for obstructive sleep apnoea patients
This project evaluates the efficacy of a "caffeine-nap" as a countermeasure to driver sleepiness for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients.
University of East Anglia
INDICATE (Introduction of an oNline cognitive battery for fitness to Drive In mild Cognitive impAirmenT and dEmentia)
This project, carried out in partnership with Driving Mobility, aims to develop a feasible and reliable online battery of cognitive tests for people with MCI/dementia to determine their fitness to drive and incident/collision risks.
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