Small projects
Here’s a portfolio giving details of the projects who have received Small Grants funding from us. If you have a road safety initiative that requires funding and you meet our small grant criteria, why not apply when the grant applications are open?
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National Young Rider Forum
Young Riders Matter
Young Motorcyclists continue to be over represented in the KSI casualties statistics despite accounting for fewer numbers and miles travelled on our roads than all other road users groups.
Imperial College London
Enhancing Road Safety: Automatic Vehicle Triage in the NHS Ambulance Service for Improved Post-Crash Care and Injury Prediction
This pilot project aims to significantly reduce fatal and severe injuries by leveraging in-vehicle sensor technology to predict injuries and improve post-crash care.
RAC Foundation
DriveFit 2.0
Building on the success of the award winning DriveFit project, this research aims to enhance the attitudes and intentions of pre-drivers, ultimately leading to a reduction in road collisions and incidents among this demographic.
Nottingham Trent University
Understanding and explaining the differences between the mental-models of motorcyclists and car drivers for detecting hazards: From theory to training
Nottingham Trent University is collaborating with UKROEd to assess the hypothesis that riders and drivers have different mental models of on-road danger and this impacts their ability to spot hazards on the road.
Nottingham Trent University
Development of an on-road tractor-based VR assessment and training tool for agricultural drivers
Working in collaboration with The Farm Safety Foundation, Nottingham Trent University developed a validated 360-degree hazard test focused on on-road tractor safety training and driving skills.
National Young Rider Forum
The view from the saddle: What perspective works best for a motorcycle hazard perception test?
This project aims to produce a good quality, motorcycle specific hazard perception test tailored to the needs of riders.
UWE Bristol
Centre Line Removal Trialling for Safer Roads
This project will deliver a small scale controlled trial to test the effectiveness of implementing CLR in addition to existing lower speed limits i.e. 30mph and 20mph in small towns and semi-rural settlement areas within East Lothian Council's local highway network.
Road Safety GB
Extending the reach of RSGB Ageing Driver Training
This project aims to increase the uptake of the RSGB Ageing Driver Training Course for ADIs, which has gained DVSA recognised status (an accreditation scheme designed to raise awareness and recognition) and responds to the recommendations in the National Older Drivers Strategy.
National Young Riders Forum (NYRF)
Ready for the Road
NYRF’s ‘Ready for the Road’ is an informative and engaging film detailing the steps a young person needs to take if they are considering becoming a motorcyclist.
The Kier Foundation
Persuading professional drivers that hands-free phones are as dangerous as hand-held phone calls
This project focused on tackling the use of mobile phones whilst driving within the scope of professional drivers.
The Open University
We need to talk about handsfree: officer understanding of the dangers of handsfree and handheld mobile phone use by drivers
This project examined police officer attitudes to, and awareness of, the dangers of hands-free phone use…
University of the West of England
What is safe: Developing a Perceived Road Safety Indicators measurement tool (PeRSI) for pedestrians and cycle users
University of West of England (UWE) is building upon a previously funded project on a Perceived Road Safety Indicators measurement tool to refine and trail it, enabling practitioners to further understand the extent of perceived lack of safety.
Road Safety Foundation
Active Travel Tool
The project analysed information about active travel schemes.
AA Charitable Trust for Road Safety and the Environment
Young rural drivers
This project, supported by partners Agilysis, researched and identified the 10 riskiest rural roads for young people in the UK.
Derby City Council
Local authority crash model for skid resistance
This project analysed road surface skid resistance and road traffic collision data for selected local authorities, to develop a model of the relationship between skid resistance and collision risk for a typical ‘city’ road network.
Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS)
Pre-driver Theatre and Workshop Education Research (PdTWER)
A project to evaluate whether a theatre-based pre-driver education programme and follow up peer-to peer learning and peer-based social networks can improve pre-driver strategies to road related risk.