Small projects
Here’s a portfolio giving details of the projects who have received Small Grants funding from us. If you have a road safety initiative that requires funding and you meet our small grant criteria, why not apply when the grant applications are open?
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University of Greenwich
Safer roads through citizen partnerships: Enhancing road safety through improved use of community speedwatch volunteers
The University of Greenwich explored the role of volunteers in roads policing initiatives, including the CSW scheme, improving their deployment and management.
University of the West of England
What is safe: Developing a Perceived Road Safety Indicators measurement tool (PeRSI) for pedestrians and cycle users
University of West of England (UWE) is building upon a previously funded project on a Perceived Road Safety Indicators measurement tool to refine and trail it, enabling practitioners to further understand the extent of perceived lack of safety.
Suffolk County Council
Combining the carrot and stick: can ANPR Speed Indicator Devices reduce speed in rural areas?
Suffolk County Council conducted a trial on the effectiveness of interventions using ANPR Speed Indicator Devices.
Staffordshire University
Routes to speed safety: Understanding and measuring the contribution of Community Speedwatch - a partnership between Gloucestershire Police and Staffordshire University
Staffordshire University provided an evaluation of the effectiveness of Community Speed Watch (CSW) throughout Gloucestershire to help engage with drivers and communities around the issue of speed.
Birmingham City Council & So-Mo
“Message not received.” Seatbelts - the unseen problem
The pilot, delivered in partnership between Birmingham City Council and SoMo, seeks to test the hypothesis that culturally-tailored and targeted messaging, co-designed with communities, using insights from Behavioural Science can improve seatbelt use in Birmingham's Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities and, in turn, reduce passenger casualty rates.
Norfolk County Council
Safe journey ahead: road safety teacher training
This project aims to give school staff the knowledge and skills needed to produce road safety interventions to meet their school’s needs, supporting staff to embed this life skill into everyday learning. Intervention is aimed at teachers and teaching assistants (TAs) in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1).
Surrey County Council
How effective is reducing speed limits on rural roads?
Over recent years, many rural roads in the east of Surrey have been reduced from the national speed to 40mph or 50mph. Meanwhile, rural roads in the west of Surrey are still subject to the national speed limit of 60mph.
British Horse Society
‘Look out for Laura’
The British Horse Society and Cycling UK teamed up to address the 20,000+ road casualties involving a horse rider or cyclist, and have provided an educational video that aims to humanise individuals rather than focus on their mode of transport.
Brunel University
An immersive reality intervention to improve young cyclists’ ability to detect and perceive hazards as they navigate road junctions: a collaborative safe cycling pilot study
Brunel University, in partnership with London Borough of Hillingdon and The Bikeability Trust, aims to pilot the use of digital technology to improve primary school children’s ability to safely navigate junctions on a bicycle.
Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS)
The safety of private e-scooter use in the UK
The PACTS study complemented ongoing e-scooter rental trials by developing a database of casualties involving scooters using real time reports from the internet and by partnering with trauma centres. Phase 2 looked at wider implications.
Road Safety Foundation
Active Travel Tool
The project analysed information about active travel schemes.
AA Charitable Trust for Road Safety and the Environment
Young rural drivers
This project, supported by partners Agilysis, researched and identified the 10 riskiest rural roads for young people in the UK.
Derby City Council
Local authority crash model for skid resistance
This project analysed road surface skid resistance and road traffic collision data for selected local authorities, to develop a model of the relationship between skid resistance and collision risk for a typical ‘city’ road network.
eDriving Solutions Ltd
Impulse control intervention and evaluation
In 2017, the Road Safety Trust supported the development of a road safety intervention entitled ‘Who is Driving You?’ (WDY). This new project further developed the intervention in South Yorkshire.
Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS)
Pre-driver Theatre and Workshop Education Research (PdTWER)
A project to evaluate whether a theatre-based pre-driver education programme and follow up peer-to peer learning and peer-based social networks can improve pre-driver strategies to road related risk.
Shiny Side Up Partnership
Know the Dangers!
The grant allowed Shiny Side Up to transform the ‘Know the Dangers’ educational resource for motorcyclists into a suite of seven short 3D animated videos, each illustrating a common collision scenario.
Wilsden Parish Council (WPC)
Harecroft: an evaluation of how to apply psychological speed reductions through a rural hamlet through incremental changes in visual deterrents over a fixed period of time
A trial of self-enforcing 20mph traffic calming measures and visual driver aids in a rural hamlet. The project evaluated speed, driver behaviour and public perception and acceptance of the scheme.